The Truthseeker

The Truthseeker

The Truthseeker
The Truthseeker

The Truthseeker

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Seasons & Episodes

EP21  America's Next Colonies Part 2
Aug. 11,2013
America's Next Colonies Part 2

Leaked Israel-US plan to carve up Asia at Friends [sic] of Syria talks; insiders mock Americans falling for false flags; Senate signing over foreign policy to Tel Aviv; and CIA infiltration of the media - Operation Mockingbird today. Seek truth from facts with editor Madison Ruppert, Questioning the War on Terror author Dr. Kevin Barrett, former marine corps officer Prof. James Fetzer, War Is A Lie author David Swanson, artist and writer, co-founder of The Mossadegh Project - Arash Norouzi, and Senator John McCain.

EP20  America's Next Colonies Part 1
Jul. 28,2013
America's Next Colonies Part 1

Leaked new army manual: US troops are wearing "enemy uniform although Geneva Conventions prohibit this". It comes as anti-Assad groups admit a "third force" sparked the war, while unexplained snipers triggered the coup in Egypt; Christof Lehmann tells The Truthseeker how the UN is the "instrument for warfare" preparing the ground for America's next colonies; shocking torture footage of the West's Arab dictators; and why the Saudis did 9/11. Seek truth from facts with Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network author Dean Henderson, Dr. Kevin Barrett, author of Questioning the War on Terror, nsnbc investigative reporter Christof Lehmann, Eric Draitser of Boiling Frogs Post, and Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar.

EP19  Big Brother Boycott
Jul. 12,2013
Big Brother Boycott

"The perfect prison" devised by the NSA; the UN human rights rapporteur tells The Truthseeker that Israel's genocidal; and how "the answer to 1984 is 1776". Seek truth from facts with UN Special Rapporteur Prof. Richard Falk, activist Eric Draitser, Baby Milk Action Campaigns and Networking Coordinator Mike Brady, James Corbett of The Corbett Report, and Omar Barghouti of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.

EP18  Obama's arrest, Bush's trial
Jun. 28,2013
Obama's arrest, Bush's trial

"We'll get Bush in the US" the world's top war crimes prosecutor tells The Truthseeker after Dubya's deputies warn him against travel, lawyers file for Obama's arrest tomorrow when he hits South Africa, huge secret wars in America's name being masked from the folks funding them. Seek truth from facts with Yousha Tayob of the Muslim Lawyers Association, leading war crimes prosecutor Francis Boyle, Senior Staff Attorney Katherine Gallagher of New York's Center for Constitutional Rights which stopped Bush's first trip after his waterboarding admission, Marjorie Cohn, author of Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law, and former NSA intelligence officer Scott Rickard.

EP17  Eugenics Now!
Jun. 14,2013
Eugenics Now!

Bill Gates on people that "have no benefit whatsoever". The troubling history of Bill Gates Sr "one of the grandfathers of eugenics still going strong today" in the US. ABC reports tens of thousands of women across the States from 1929 to 1974 forcibly sterilized. The Times notes Gates Jr has held a secret billionaire summit with Michael Bloomberg and George Soros to "curb overpopulation". Why is Gates buying millions of dollars in shares of Monsanto and funding sterilization programs, Monsanto's response to our interview request, and what happens to scientists who cross the genetically modified cyclops. Seek truth from facts with investigative reporter Anthony Gucciardi, How Goldman Sachs Created The Food Crisis author Frederick Kaufman, Genetic Roulette director Jeffrey Smith, and chairman of Nestle Peter Brabeck-Letmathe.

EP16  Manning Nobel Peace Prize nomination
May. 31,2013
Manning Nobel Peace Prize nomination

Why Bradley Manning's been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize; the duty to disobey orders; chilling charge 'terrorism by association'; and the first country in the world to make transparency, not secrecy, the rule. Saturday June 1 sees the biggest demonstration so far, buses bringing supporters of the whistleblower from all over the US to Ft. Meade. Manning's trial starts Monday. Seek truth from facts with Icelandic MP Birgitta Jónsdóttir, who nominated Manning, lawyer Kevin Zeese, Marjorie Cohn co-author of Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent, courtroom artist Clark Stoeckley and MI5 whistleblower Annie Machon.

EP15  Wall Street $$$$s the world
May. 17,2013
Wall Street $$$$s the world

Meet the Wall Street-International Monetary Fund Brothers of Destruction; why Ben Bernanke can't count; the 10-year hangover from the Tequila Trap; and the fox guarding the chicken coop. Seek truth from facts with Econned author Yves Smith, Web of Debt author Ellen Brown, former senior financial regulator Bill Black, Balkans specialist Nebojsa Malic, and globalization debunker Dr. Carlos Encinas.

EP14  Boston Bombing - What You Aren't Told
May. 03,2013
Boston Bombing - What You Aren't Told

Triggers pulled on 4th, 2nd & 1st Amendments distracted by flag waving; clunky FBI propaganda; and unleash the War on Bathtubs. Seek truth from facts with former Marine Corps officer James Fetzer, editor of Storyleak Anthony Gucciardi, the Corbett Report's James Corbett, Questioning the War on Terror author Kevin Barrett, Boston eyewitnesses, and Fmr. Rep. Ron Paul.

EP13  United States of torture
Apr. 19,2013
United States of torture

'Rampant' police brutality with Obama; the sheriff proud of the 'worst prison in the world'; as the independent task force finds Guantanamo torture 'indisputable', 'Orwell would have been pressed to conceive the plight of the 86: cleared for release, but denied freedom, using a hunger strike as their last weapon, only to be kept alive by the very people who will not let them go' -- The Independent's Rupert Cromwell on the concentration camp where even the Pentagon admits most are innocent. Seek truth from facts with leading lawyer Marjorie Cohn, activist Eric Draitser, Guantanamo detainee representative George Brent Mickum IV, chief investigative reporter Jason Leopold, clinical psychologist Dr. Jeff Kaye, Guantanamo Files author Andy Worthington, and former CIA boss George Tenet.

EP12  Looting Of America
Apr. 05,2013
Looting Of America

The man who jailed a thousand bankers tells us how to do it; Twice the size of the US economy exposed offshore; and Wall Street circles the nation's last assets. Seek truth from facts with former senior financial regulator Bill Black, The Price of Offshore Revisited author James Henry, former Wall Street executive Richard Eskow, Econned author Yves Smith, economists Stephanie Kelton and Dean Baker, and chief vampire squid Lloyd Blankfein.

EP11  Three War Tricks
Mar. 22,2013
Three War Tricks

Happy anniversary Iraq! Exactly 10 years after Operation Iraqi Freedom and two years of Arm Syria's Nuts, a leak gives away who's next; how Israel runs American minds; insiders mock people falling for false flags; and Hollywood goes too far. Seek truth from facts with editor Madison Ruppert, Questioning the War on Terror author Dr. Kevin Barrett, former marine Prof. James Fetzer, War is a Lie author David Swanson, artist and writer, co-founder of The Mossadegh Project Arash Norouzi, and Senator John McCain.

EP10  Presstitutes
Mar. 10,2013

Control of your mind handed to a criminal organization; laws changed to stop independent voices; America's biggest liar exposed; and the importance of Kris Jenner's plastic surgery. Seek truth from facts with editor Madison Ruppert, cartoonist and columnist Ted Rall, Free Press Action Fund president Craig Aaron,'s Mike Wendy, editor Joe Farah, and former NBC senior producer Jeff Cohen.

EP9  US worst place to live?
Feb. 22,2013
US worst place to live?

The greatest nation on earth (© US politicians & media) exposed as among the worst in the West... on all life indicators, why China steams ahead, plans for Land of the Tax Free + the proud record the States share with Lesotho, Liberia, Papua New Guinea and Swaziland. Seek truth from facts with Belle Isle: Detroit's Game Changer author Rod Lockwood, Chair of Chinese Intl. Affairs Barry Naughton, The Personality and Well-Being Lab Director Dr. Ryan Howell, Political Science Professor Joseph Cheng, and Fox host Bill O'Reilly.

EP8  You're Being Watched Now
Feb. 08,2013
You're Being Watched Now

You, not terrorists, are the target for American spooks; Obama's Adventures in Murderland; and why the Police State makes a pedophile's paradise. Seek truth from facts with editor Madison Ruppert, Truthout lead investigative reporter Jason Leopold, Law Professor Neil Richards, cyber security expert Rich Mogull, Kade Crockford of the American Civil Liberties Union and web multimillionaire Kim Dotcom.

EP7  We Came, We Saw, He Died
Jan. 25,2013
We Came, We Saw, He Died

The real Hillary Clinton exposed, war crimes which mainstream media can't mention, the ambassador killed in Benghazi's buried cable, and the new defense secretary won't invade Iran, or let Israel invade Iran -- exclusive. Seek truth from facts with Senator Mike Gravel, In The Cannibal's Pot author Ilana Mercer, Rethink Afghanistan director Robert Greenwald, New York journalism professor Jeff Cohen, international consultant Adrian Salbuchi, Igor Khokhlov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and independent journalist Joseph Farah.

EP6  Schools, Guns & Drugs
Jan. 11,2013
Schools, Guns & Drugs

Sandy Hook's real bond to Columbine, Big Pharma's horrific studies laid bare for the first time and a peek into the village of eternity. Seek truth from facts with psych med victims, the man who unearthed the industry's deadly find, Irving Kirsch, US government whistleblower Allen Jones, the world's top happiness Professor Andrew Oswald, and Tracey Lawson, author of A Year in the Village of Eternity.

EP5  12 Banks of Death
Dec. 29,2012
12 Banks of Death

A Nobel Laureate tells us chase out the moneylenders, Named and Shamed the 12 giant banks which feed on death, and 'hundreds' who should join Madoff in the slammer. Seek truth from facts with Nobel prizewinner Ed Prescott, Sen. Bernie Sanders, the world's top crisis economist Steve Keen, legendary investor Jim Rogers, bailout investigator Randall Wray, The Untold History of the United States co-author Peter Kuznick, and Rep. Ron Paul.

EP4  Don't Pay D€bt!
Dec. 14,2012
Don't Pay D€bt!

Loans you shouldn't pay back, violent partners, and who triumphs when Germany Banks & Greece go toe to toe. Seek Truth From Facts with former Chase banker Prof. Michael Hudson, Stockholm Syndrome theorist Dr. Carlos Encinas, anti-EU party boss Peter Mach, Greek Correspondent Nicolas Mottas and Financial Times Associate Editor Wolfgang Munchau.

EP3  McMuck
Dec. 03,2012

Elected leaders conniving with Big Junk to fatten Americans; how other species treat fast food; why a 17-ounce soda is wrong, but 68 hot dogs are patriotic. Seek Truth From Facts with the doc who coined fructose 'the evil poison' Robert Lustig, former USDA nutritionist Tracy Fox, investigative journalist Anthony Gucciardi and David Haslam head of the National Obesity Forum.

EP2  Will America Kill?
Nov. 17,2012
Will America Kill?

Azadeh Moaveni, one of the few US correspondents reporting from Iran tells The Truthseeker about a military strike on the country; how WAR with Iran has BEGUN; and an EXCLUSIVE interview with Barack Legobama. Seek Truth From Facts with War Correspondent Lizzie Phelan, outspoken UK Member of Parliament George Galloway, Editor-In-Chief of The Black Star News Milton Allimadi, and Peter Kuznick, co-author with Oliver Stone of The Untold History of the United States.

EP1  Bribing Mr. Pre$ident
Nov. 02,2012
Bribing Mr. Pre$ident

In this edition we investigate corruption at the top. We expose the Big Business memo making this US election "one of the most corrupt EVER", look at how to rewrite the Constitution, and America's Enemy #1 could be sponsoring Barack Obama. Seek Truth From Facts with Our Undemocratic Constitution author Prof. Sanford Levinson, former US election Regulator Michael Toner, investigative journalist Anthony Gucciardi, author of The Presidency and Political Trust Prof. Marc Hetherington and America's most notorious lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

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